Sleep Disorders and How to Treat Them (Aired on October 12, 2012)

Seated: Dr. Chatr-aryamontri. Standing: Co-hosts Jonah Triebwasser, Sarah O’Connell

Seated: Dr. Chatr-aryamontri. Standing: Co-hosts Jonah Triebwasser, Sarah O’Connell

Dr. Chatr-aryamontri, Medical Director of the Sleep Center at Northern Dutchess Hospital, but known to her patients as Dr. Chatr, discusses the nature and treatment of sleep disorders. She focuses especially on the common condition of sleep apnea, which people may not even know they have. Co-host Jonah Triebwasser has suffered from this problem, and he describes how treatment improved his quality of life. Dr. Chatr discusses many other sleep disorders and urges those who suspect they are affected to seek treatment because some are not benign




Learn More:
The Sleep Center at Northern Dutchess Hospital: phone 845 871-3611
Northern Dutchess Hospital
Sleep Disorders

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October 12, 2012 · Posted in Health, Quality of Life