World Famous Cary Institute in Millbrook (Aired on January 31, 2021)

Millbrook, NY, is home base for the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, although the scientists connected with the Institute may work anywhere that their studies take them. The Millbrook main building, situated on 2,000 acres of study sites and trails, was among the most ecosystem friendly when it was constructed in 1978, but now is out of date and in need of repair and renewal. On this program, Catherine Forbes, Director of Advancement for the Institute, describes what the construction is all about and also some of the Institutes programs.  Thirteen principal scientist work from the Institute, each with post-docs and technicians forming their teams as they investigate such topics of local interest as tick-borne diseases or the Hudson River ecology. Among the local benefits of having the Institute nearby are the many programs as each of the scientists (as well as visiting experts) provide free programs on their work. The Institute also provides summer educational programing for younger children and participates in Data Jam, which uses art to explain science.

Learn more:
Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies:
Cary Institute on Facebook:
The Tick Project:
Northeast US Data Jam:

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February 6, 2021 · Posted in Environment  

A Zero Waste Sustainability Center (Aired on December 6, 2020)

Amelia Legare saw a red barn at Greig Farm in Red Hook and many possibilities for improving the environment. As a gardening instructor for an elementary school, she started with talking to farm-owner Norman Greig about starting a native-plant garden at the farm but soon a host of ideas for using local ingredients in household items, selling them in bulk to reduce use of plastic,
forming a community compost CGA, providing classes on environmental issues (and yoga), and more were not only conceived by implemented. Since the goal was sustainability with zero waste, the barn was converted into a bulk-goods emporium for household products and named “The O Zone,” for a place with zero negative impact on the environment. RadioRotary is delighted to bring new of Lagare’s vision and enterprise to a greater audience. Listen to the program to learn about the many ways The O Zone can improve both the environment and your life.

Learn more:
The O Zone:
Greig Farm:
Environmental Sustainability:
Native Plant Gardening:
Community Composting:

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December 21, 2020 · Posted in Environment, Quality of Life  

First Woman to Preside over RI (Aired on November 22, 2020)

RadioRotary is especially delighted to be able to interview Jennifer Jones, who for the Rotary Year 2022-23 will be president of Rotary International (RI), the first woman in the 115-year history of Rotary to achieve that high office. Until a little more than 30 years ago, there were no women officially in Rotary—a club in California that accepted women in 1977 was dropped from RI for this violation of rules. But ten years later the US Supreme Court ruled that Rotary could not reject members on the basis of gender, and US clubs began to admit women. The Canadian courts also recognized that Rotary clubs should be gender neutral and, in 1989, RI agreed, allowing clubs around the world to admit women members. President-nominee Jones, from the Windsor-Roseland Rotary Club (which spans Canada and the US), joined Rotary in 1997 and has been active at club and district levels ever since, becoming a director and a vice-president of RI. In her RadioRotary interview she tells her story and discusses how the Rotary Polio-Plus experience has provided thousands of workers who have been dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. She reveals that RI has officially added protection of the environment to the six areas of focus and speaks of her interest in making the young-persons Rotary, Rotaract, a gateway to the full Rotary experience.

Learn more:
President-Nominee Jennifer E. Jones:
Rotary International:
History of Women in Rotary:
Windsor-Roseland Rotary Club:

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November 27, 2020 · Posted in Environment, Health, PolioPlus, Rotary International, Women  

Cornell Cooperative Extension, Putnam (Aired on June 22 and 23, 2019)


Since 1862, states were empowered to set aside land that would be used to fund
institutes of higher education that would feature agriculture and engineering
along with other studies. These “land-grant colleges” became the basis of a
1914 law that had the Department of Agriculture work in improving agriculture
and rural life. Today every state has cooperative extensions that carry out this
mandate, including extension offices in every country of New York State, which
work with Cornell University. For this program, Radio Rotary interviews Stefanie
Hubert, the Executive Director of the Putnam County Cornell Cooperative
Extension. There are many fascinating topics, ranging from the effort to
encourage farmers to grow hemp; the master-gardener program; advice for good
nutrition; and the 4-H program for youth—which on the last weekend in July in
Putnam County puts on the only free-standing 4-H Fair in the nation.

Learn more:
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Putnam County:
Cooperative Extension History:
Master Gardeners:
Slow Food USA:

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July 14, 2019 · Posted in Education, Environment, Events, Health, Nutrition, Service Organizations  

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